Return Government to the People
Citizens Party National Conference — Policy Platform Launch
Sunday, 17 November 2024
Links to individual presentations in the program below.
Take Back Economic and National Sovereignty!
Australia has a crisis of governance, the legacy of successive governments serving corporate interests and foreign powers ahead of Australians. Both major parties have pursued policies concentrating economic and political power in a handful of big banks, retailers, resource giants, and media companies, who profit while the public suffer cost-of-living and housing crises. The major parties have colluded to hand over military control of Australia to the USA (and UK) through the AUKUS partnership, with the public paying the enormous cost.
An unprecedented public backlash is shaking Australian politics. The combined major party primary vote is in terminal decline. Corporate CEOs complain the bigger parliamentary crossbench is subjecting them to painful scrutiny of their corporate abuses. The Australian Citizens Party (ACP) is leading a movement of citizen engagement in politics which has forced Parliament to reject policies giving more power to banks and corporate interests, and to take up a powerful policy to reclaim economic sovereignty—a public post office People’s Bank.
The ACP’s “Return Government to the People” conference will sound the call for citizens to join the fight for economic and national sovereignty the ACP is taking to the next election.
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Introduction – Citizens Party Policy Platform Launch
Panel 1 – National sovereignty — Australia needs an independent foreign policy
- Australia is not sovereign without an independent foreign policy
John Lander
Former Australian Deputy Ambassador to China (1974-76)
Former Ambassador to Iran (1985–87) - Subservience to a foreign power damages Australia’s most important trade relationship
Richard Yuan ( in place of Kingsley Liu)
Founder Australia-China Entrepreneurs (ACE) Club
Founder ABC World Pty Ltd - Australian government’s Gaza hypocrisy betrays its Muslim citizens
Aisha Novakovich BA, LLB.
Lawyer, Community Advocate, Entrepreneur
Panel 2 – Economic sovereignty — Australia needs a national bank
- Reclaim economic sovereignty with a post office People’s Bank
Elisa Barwick
Chief Editor, Australian Alert Service - The Commonwealth Bank of Australia From Promise to Despair and Despoliation
Dr Evan Jones
Honorary Associate in Political Economy at the University of Sydney - A People’s Bank will set standards for serving consumers
Assoc. Prof. Andy Schmulow
Faculty of Business and Law, University of Wollongong
Panel 3 – Return integrity to government
- Abolish and replace ASIC
John Adams
Independent Economist and Principal Economic Analyst at Adams Economics - Lawforce: Equality of Arms for financial victims
Michael Sanderson
Financial victims’ advocate
Foundation member of ‘Bank Warriors’ and Advisor with ‘Bank Reform Now’ - Banking self-regulation has failed Australia
Geoff Fader
Chair of the Tasmanian Small Business Council
Former chair of COSBOA
Panel 4 – An honest approach to governance
- True transparency in government: support and protect whistleblowers
John Shipton
Anti-war activist, leading advocate for his son Julian Assange - The ACP’s principled approach to politics
Dr Hakim Gassiep
Secretary of Islamic Society of Melbourne Eastern Region (ISOMER) - How the ACP will represent citizens in Parliament
Robert Barwick
Citizens Party Research Director and Victorian Senate Candidate