Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 31 - 36 of 85
Australia Post and Christine Holgate announced a settlement of their mediation this week. But on the same day it was announced, Australia Post demonstrated that the rot remains in its operation, by refusing Citizens Party Research Director Robert Barwick’s Freedom of Information (FOI) request that it disclose the price that CBA and NAB have agreed to pay to renew their Bank@Post deals.
Australia Post
Is an Australian Senator helping two foreign governments pressure the Australian government to change its foreign policy and damage its economy?
China, Foreign Policy
This release was first published as an article by Jeremy Beck in the 28 July 2021 Australian Alert Service.
Police state
Australia has a wannabe Senator Joe McCarthy and his name is Senator James Paterson.
Call Ministers Josh Frydenberg, Ben Morton and Andrew Hastie to save Sterling First’s victims and hold the government and ASIC accountable for failing to regulate.
The Australian government and major-party politicians have one response to concerns that bank deposits could be “bailed in”: don’t worry, you’re protected by the $250,000 Financial Claims Scheme (FCS) deposit guarantee.