Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 1 - 6 of 14
A few months out from an election presents a unique opportunity to force real solutions on to the political agenda. In contrast to the divisive policies that the major parties fight over on behalf of their respective vested interests, there are policy solutions that all Australians can recognise would benefit everybody. One of those is a postal “people’s bank”.
Postal Savings Bank, Australia Post
  By 18 December, flood the government’s Regional Banking Taskforce with submissions calling for a postal bank.
Postal Savings Bank, Australia Post, Banking / Finance
The chickens are coming home to roost at Australia Post. After the board and senior management revealed their cowardice and corruption by helping the Morrison government drive out Christine Holgate, the organisation is falling apart. Australia Post is haemorrhaging senior managers who are following Christine Holgate out the door, some to join her at Global Express, others just to get the hell out of there.
Australia Post
Australia Post and Christine Holgate announced a settlement of their mediation this week. But on the same day it was announced, Australia Post demonstrated that the rot remains in its operation, by refusing Citizens Party Research Director Robert Barwick’s Freedom of Information (FOI) request that it disclose the price that CBA and NAB have agreed to pay to renew their Bank@Post deals.
Australia Post
All Australians must watch the Citizens Party’s latest Citizens Insight YouTube interview, with Licensed Post Office Group Executive Director Angela Cramp, called “The untold story of the Australia Post scandal”.
Australia Post
In another victory for the grassroots campaign that exposed the real agenda behind Scott Morrison’s unlawful removal of Australia Post CEO Christine Holgate, two of the Big Four banks have recommitted to Australia Post banking services long-term.
Postal Savings Bank, Australia Post