Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 73 - 78 of 89
Australia’s housing market is tanking fast and the economy is facing an Ireland-style economic bust. We must act, now, to avert a social catastrophe and restructure the financial system to fix the cause of this crisis.
This release is taken from the editorial of the 6 March 2019 issue of the CEC’s Australian Alert Service magazine. “What was that?” Great disasters start with that question. It’s being asked now about Suncorp’s unexpected 5 March announcement that repayments are in doubt on a $120 million mortgage bond.
Bail-in, Banking / Finance
In his 2018 budget Scott Morrison announced a ban on cash transactions over $10,000, originally to come into force in July 2019, but now January 2020.
Cash Ban, Bail-in, Banking / Finance
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is demanding that Australia move beyond the back door “bail-in” scheme passed last year, and enact a full, statutory bail-in regime that explicitly includes seizing deposits to prop up failing banks.
Bail-in, Glass-Steagall, Banking / Finance, Financial Crisis
The Senate Economics Legislation Committee inquiry into the Banking System Reform (Separation of Banks) Bill 2019 must be a thorough investigation of structural separation.
Glass-Steagall, Banking / Finance
The Senate Economics Legislation Committee on 14 February initiated an inquiry into the Banking System Reform (Separation of Banks) Bill 2019. Click here for the inquiry website
Glass-Steagall, Banking / Finance