Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 19 - 24 of 70
All Australians should support this formal petition to Parliament: Petition EN4244 - Moratorium on regional bank closures and new inquiry Petition Reason
Banking / Finance, Postal Savings Bank
Now is the time to approach your local Council to ask them to join the other Councils around Australia passing motions endorsing an Australian postal bank.
Postal Savings Bank
Contact your MP and Senators to ask them or their staff to attend the forum for a briefing on the proposal and campaign for a public post office bank. See details below.
Postal Savings Bank
The scandal of Scott Morrison secretly putting himself in control of the most powerful ministries in the government must lead to a new examination of his shameful attack on Christine Holgate in 2020.
Australia Post, Postal Savings Bank
Following US Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s intentionally provocative visit to Taiwan, and China’s military exercises in response, veteran Australian diplomat John Lander has issued a stark warning to his nation. The issue is not whether Australia will follow the USA into a war against China, he insists; rather, Australia, like Taiwan, is being primed to be a proxy for the USA in a war against China.
War, China
Help count the number of cashless outlets that banks are trying to pass off as branches. In the ongoing war on cash, the big banks are opening cashless banking outlets, or shifting existing branches to cashless outlets. These can take the form of “tellerless” outlets, or outlets where cash can only be deposited or withdrawn via automatic teller machines (ATMs).