Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 31 - 36 of 54
To support keeping the option of cheque payments, make a supplementary submission to the Senate inquiry into bank closures in regional Australia. Once again, the government is rigging the financial system in favour of the major banks by announcing a phase-out of cheque payments by 2030.
Postal Savings Bank, Banking / Finance
Reserve Bank Governor Dr Philip Lowe’s 12th interest rate rise in 13 months to 4.10 per cent is crushing the life out of Australian families to pay for the RBA’s own sins. For two decades, Lowe and his predecessor Glenn Stevens artificially lowered interest rates to near zero, deliberately inflating house prices and trapping millions of Australians in unpayable mortgage debts, which caused today’s cost-of-living crisis.
Banking / Finance
At the dramatic hearings of the Senate inquiry into bank closures in regional Australia in Queensland last week, more than half of the Senators present advocated for a public bank solution.
Postal Savings Bank
The campaign against bank branch closures, which achieved the establishment of the current Senate inquiry into bank closures in regional Australia, has had a major victory.
Postal Savings Bank
The Australian Citizens Party (ACP) is calling on all Australians to stand up against the agreement between Treasurer Jim Chalmers and Shadow Treasurer Angus Taylor to remove democratic accountability for the banking elite who control the economy through the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA).
Banking / Finance
More than 110,000 Australians have signed a petition for an “Australian cash and banking guarantee”. The petition was launched by Jason Bryce, who leads the “Cash Welcome” campaign which encourages all businesses to allow the option of payment in cash.
Cash Ban, Postal Savings Bank