Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 19 - 24 of 37
The scandal of Scott Morrison secretly putting himself in control of the most powerful ministries in the government must lead to a new examination of his shameful attack on Christine Holgate in 2020.
Australia Post, Postal Savings Bank
Instead of copying the Liberals by stacking the Australia Post board with party hacks, Labor should support postal services by establishing a post office bank. Licensed Post Office (LPO) owners across Australia are terrified, and incensed, at the news that Anthony Albanese may appoint Stephen Conroy to the board, and perhaps even to Chairman, of Australia Post.
Australia Post, Postal Savings Bank
Australia Post is an early test of the integrity of the new Albanese Labor government. Will Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, Finance Minister Katy Gallagher, and Communications Minister Michelle Rowland follow through on the 2021 Senate inquiry report and overhaul the process of Board appointments?
Australia Post, Postal Savings Bank
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s headline agenda, which dominates media reporting, includes China, climate change, and a federal integrity commission. Besides those issues, he is now responsible for the unfinished business of the previous Parliament, on which his Labor Party took a position. Now that it is in a position to act on these issues, what will the Albanese government do? Banking Royal Commission reforms
Australia Post, APRA/ASIC/ACCC/AUSTRAC, Royal Commission
The private banks have ramped up branch closures, abandoning many communities; the solution is a post office “people’s bank”.
Postal Savings Bank, Australia Post
Government corruption is systematically destroying Australia’s national postal service; to save it, join the national campaign for a postal bank!
Australia Post