Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

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The 28 June ABC Four Corners episode on Australia Post, “Post Mortem: The story behind the turmoil that’s engulfed Australia Post”, confirmed the privatisation agenda behind the unlawful removal of Christine Holgate.
Australia Post
Born-again National Party leader Barnaby Joyce is a very outspoken politician—when he’s not in leadership. Now that he has returned as Deputy Prime Minister, it’s time for Joyce to show he’s not all talk and no action, and not a doormat to Scott Morrison as his predecessor was, by using his position to fight for the principles he has vocally espoused from the backbench. Julian Assange
Australia Post, Infrastructure, Foreign Policy
James Shipton’s fate is what happens in Australia when even modest efforts to regulate threaten the major banks, illustrating the urgent need for a public bank alternative to break the monopoly of the Big Four.
The Senate’s Australia Post inquiry report, tabled in Parliament yesterday (15 June), was the culmination of the amazing campaign to support Christine Holgate and the thousands of Licensed Post Offices (LPOs) she saved with her 2018 banking deal. That campaign brought home the need for a permanent solution to secure the long-term viability of LPOs and guarantee banking services for all Australians, which is a post office “people’s bank”.
Postal Savings Bank, Banking / Finance, Australia Post
While the major banks, regulators and government have done everything in their power to block any moves towards bank separation, they have ignored one important point: separation would be good for the banks as businesses. Good for proper banking, that is, not casino banking or predatory customer-fleecing.
There are numerous reasons Bill Shorten’s Labor failed to convince Australians to elect them to solve their problems, but there is one obvious reason. Inexplicably, Labor let Scott Morrison off the hook on the banks.
Banking / Finance, Glass-Steagall