Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 31 - 36 of 79
Australians are making submissions to Treasury and swamping politicians with calls and messages against Scott Morrison’s cash ban, but we need to escalate. From face-to-face meetings with major party MPs, there are still too many signs that they are zombies programmed to docilely accept these measures.
Cash Ban, Bail-in
This statement is the Citizens Electoral Council’s submission to Treasury on the Currency (Restrictions on the Use of Cash) Bill 2019.
Cash Ban, Bail-in
The 28 July 60 Minutes story on Crown Casino confirms that Australia’s authorities “aid and abet money laundering”, as whistleblower Helen Edwards has declared in an explosive new special episode of the CEC Report. Click here to watch: Interview with Helen Edwards: Australia is a money laundering washing machine!
Cash Ban, Bail-in, Money Laundering
In a critically important new video post, economist John Adams and banking expert Martin North have thoroughly exposed Scott Morrison’s sneaky legislation to strip Australians of their right to use cash. Click here to watch: “Red Alert: ScoMo Declares War On The Australian People!”
Cash Ban, Bail-in
The fight against “bail-in” is on! The Morrison government has released for consultation a new law that bans cash transactions over $10,000. The pretext for this law is to crack down on money laundering and tax evasion in the “black economy”. This is a shameless lie! The formal recommendation to ban cash comes from “big four” global accounting firm KPMG, which is an accomplice of the world’s biggest money launderers and tax evaders.
Cash Ban, Bail-in
If there were any doubt that Australia’s banking system is corrupt, Graeme Samuel’s Capability Review of the bank regulator, the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA), removes it completely.
Bail-in, Housing