Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 19 - 24 of 163
NEW: Sign the new petition to “Save Cheques”. Last year Treasurer Jim Chalmers announced cheques would be phased out by 2030, but he based his decision on false data from Anna Bligh’s Australian Banking Association that claimed cheque use had plummeted.
Banking / Finance, Postal Savings Bank
“Will the Albanese government allow CBA and BankWest to thumb their noses at their social licence and rip away all BankWest branch services in WA, or will they put their foot down and say enough is enough?” This is the question the Australian Citizens Party (ACP) is asking after BankWest’s 6 March 2024 announcement that it will be closing all BankWest branches and ATMs in Western Australia by October to become a fully digital bank.
Banking / Finance
The state which has lost the greatest percentage of regional bank branches since 1975 will host the next hearing of the Senate inquiry on Wednesday in Kingston SE. South Australia is a banking “desert”, with many towns completely debanked and others left with only one bank to serve customers for hundreds of kilometres.
Banking / Finance
The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) is exposing itself to be aligned with elite banking interests against the people of Australia. It’s therefore imperative Australians rally to defeat the current bill giving up the Treasurer’s authority to overrule the RBA, to keep a democratic check on the unelected RBA’s power.
Cash Ban, Banking / Finance
(Watch DFA Live Tonight 8:00 PM - Q&A: The People Versus Financial Tyranny: With Robbie Barwick – see below.)
Banking / Finance
The number one political question for 2024 is why is Treasurer Jim Chalmers voluntarily giving up his power over interest rates to a Reserve Bank governor who dismisses the cries of pain of millions of households smashed by 13 interest rate rises in two years as “political noise”?
Banking / Finance