Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 55 - 60 of 163
This release was first published as an article by Citizens Party researcher Jeremy Beck in the 10 March 2021 Australian Alert Service.
Police state
The fights against bail-in, cash bans, and for public banking institutions to invest in the real economy, stand in the way of the technocratic assault on democracy and sovereignty called the Great Reset.
Banking / Finance
Australians have until next Wednesday 3 February to make submissions opposing the government’s policy to scrap responsible lending laws.
Banking / Finance
To right a wrong and benefit the nation, the government must replace the Australia Post board, restore Christine Holgate as CEO, and establish a public postal “people’s bank”.
Postal Savings Bank, Banking / Finance
The criminal banks’ aggressive, business-destroying de-banking spree shows the need for a public post office savings bank that won’t discriminate against customers.
Banking / Finance
Australia’s most experienced advocate for victims of predatory bank lending has slammed as “insane” Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s policy to lower bank lending standards to boost economic activity.
Housing, Royal Commission, Banking / Finance