Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 55 - 59 of 59
The fight against “bail-in” is on! The Morrison government has released for consultation a new law that bans cash transactions over $10,000. The pretext for this law is to crack down on money laundering and tax evasion in the “black economy”. This is a shameless lie! The formal recommendation to ban cash comes from “big four” global accounting firm KPMG, which is an accomplice of the world’s biggest money launderers and tax evaders.
Cash Ban, Bail-in
The Australian Federal Police raids on journalists’ homes and media offices have shown the extent to which press freedom has been curbed in Australia to suppress reporting of national security matters.
Terrorism, Police state
Unbeknownst to most Australians, our country in recent years has been leading the world in the adoption of Stasi-like surveillance and spying laws which threaten basic human freedoms.
Police state, Terrorism
In his 2018 budget Scott Morrison announced a ban on cash transactions over $10,000, originally to come into force in July 2019, but now January 2020.
Cash Ban, Bail-in, Banking / Finance
Beginning with a public event in Perth last Saturday, and continuing through her final public appearance in Brisbane on 28 June, Irish author Anne Cadwallader is presently touring Australia to promote her book, Lethal Allies: British Collusion in Ireland.