Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 13 - 18 of 55
Help count the number of cashless outlets that banks are trying to pass off as branches. In the ongoing war on cash, the big banks are opening cashless banking outlets, or shifting existing branches to cashless outlets. These can take the form of “tellerless” outlets, or outlets where cash can only be deposited or withdrawn via automatic teller machines (ATMs).
A determined and courageous victim of de-banking is fighting back against Big Four banking giant Westpac. Paul Thomas, the owner of cash-in-transit business Commander Security, is suing Westpac in the Supreme Court of New South Wales for the damage it has caused to his business by its sudden decision last year to de-bank him.
Cash Ban
The Senate voted unanimously yesterday to remove the $10,000 cash transaction ban bill from the Notice Paper, effectively dumping it from this Parliament. One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts moved the motion to put the major parties on the spot as to whether they intended to stick with the bill or listen to the Australian people and dump it.
Cash Ban
Westpac has reportedly “de-banked”—cut off from banking services—hundreds of business clients in recent weeks. Westpac’s excuse is it is going out of its way to be squeaky clean following its record $1.3 billion fine for its breaches of anti-money laundering/counter-terrorism financing (AML-CTF) laws revealed in late 2019.
Cash Ban
The Senate on Wednesday 7 October will vote on the Morrisons government’s bill to extend the trials of the Indue cashless welfare card. These trials are part of the government’s and banks’ creeping cashless agenda, to force Australians into electronic payments and effectively trap them in banks. The government’s bill to ban cash transactions over $10,000 is part of the same agenda.
Cash Ban
The Morrison government’s bill to ban cash transactions over $10,000 would send Australians to jail for spending their own cash. Cooked up by crooked accounting firm KPMG, the proposed law is touted as necessary to combat money laundering and tax evasion in the so-called “black economy”.
Cash Ban