Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 31 - 36 of 55
The 12 December “public” hearing of the Senate cash ban inquiry proved that the government has zero evidence or data to support its policy to ban cash transactions over $10,000.
Cash Ban
Demand Parliament sack the Liberal Chairman Slade Brockman and Secretary Mark ‘Sir Humphrey’ Fitt from the Senate Economics Legislation Committee! You’d think that as the Morrison government is planning a radical change that upends centuries of tradition by banning transactions in the legal tender of cash, it would want to know the views of the public.
Cash Ban
KPMG wants to jail Australians who use cash—supposedly to combat the ‘black economy’—but the disreputable global accounting giant dominates the board of money-laundering machine Westpac.
audit banks, Cash Ban
Senate inquiry flooded with submissions; rank-and-file Liberals mutiny against Frydenberg
Cash Ban
Westpac’s 23 million money laundering breaches is the latest evidence that Australia’s too-big-to-fail banks have become vast criminal enterprises.
Cash Ban, Money Laundering, APRA/ASIC/ACCC/AUSTRAC
Former Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) Principal Researcher and Head of Research Dr Wilson Sy, who has also worked in Treasury, issued the following statement in response to the revelation that Treasury made false representations to the government on the $10,000 cash ban law currently before the Senate Economics Legislation Committee.
Cash Ban