Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

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For a stunning insight into how Western propaganda works, especially the US-sponsored propaganda that has poisoned Australia’s relationship with its biggest trading partner, you must watch the latest Citizens Insight interview.
War, China
Following US Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s intentionally provocative visit to Taiwan, and China’s military exercises in response, veteran Australian diplomat John Lander has issued a stark warning to his nation. The issue is not whether Australia will follow the USA into a war against China, he insists; rather, Australia, like Taiwan, is being primed to be a proxy for the USA in a war against China.
War, China
The Australian government is sending the wrong message to the Asia-Pacific region by selectively criticising China’s live-fire military exercises around Taiwan, while saying nothing about US Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelsoi’s visit to Taiwan that provoked China’s response.
China, War
This release was first published as an article in the 20 July 2022 Australian Alert Service. As a nation that “guards” its sovereignty, Australians would be aghast to learn of a foreign influence operation that brings together leading politicians, government officials, journalists, and business executives from Australia and China for secretive annual talks.
Foreign Policy, China
The hysterical claim that Australia is set to lose its sovereignty to a World Health Organisation “treaty” the day after the federal election is false. The United Australia Party started running advertisements on 17 May—just four days out from the election—claiming that the day after the election, the Labor and Liberal parties planned to give China control of “the health of Australians”. UAP’s 17 May press release asserted:
This release was first published as an article in the 11 May 2022 Australian Alert Service. Just four days after Defence Minister Peter Dutton declared on ANZAC Day that Australia is preparing for war, former Ambassador John Lander sat down with Citizens Party Research Director Robert Barwick for a second interview on the ACP’s Citizens Insight program.
China, War