Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 7 - 12 of 13
An Eyre Peninsula nuclear power station would be a “game changer” for South Australia, providing cheap electricity, and power for water desalination to support a new agricultural irrigation scheme.
Energy & Resources, Infrastructure
A forecast national rollout of a controversial tariff system will see many Australians paying hundreds of dollars more in electricity bills each year. The ACT power company Evoenergy has conducted the largest and most comprehensive demand management (DM) trials in Australia, and industry insiders believe a “demand tariff” now exclusively used in the ACT will inevitably be implemented nationwide.
Energy & Resources
MacroBusiness posted the analysis under the heading, “Is Australia sitting on a ticking derivatives nuclear bomb?”
Glass-Steagall, Derivatives, Banking / Finance
At the centre of the recent political turmoil in Italy is Glass-Steagall. The two parties that won the 4 March election, the right-wing Lega Nord and left-wing Five Star Movement (M5S), are very different but united by their opposition to the power of the European Union, and support for key financial policies, including a Glass-Steagall separation of commercial and investment banking, and a national investment bank.
Glass-Steagall, Derivatives, Banking / Finance
The National Electricity Market (NEM) is wrecking Australia’s economy and endangering lives. For the sake of the Common Good it must immediately be shut down, and the generation, distribution and retail of electricity returned to public control.
Banking / Finance, Energy & Resources, National Banking
The prospect of a Hazelwood Power Station closure within months is unacceptable and the Victorian government must step in to take it over to ensure national energy security. Hazelwood supplies a quarter of Victoria’s baseload electricity, but also helps power other states such as South Australia, particularly on calm days when wind power is useless.
Infrastructure, Energy & Resources