Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 13 - 18 of 24
Australia urgently needs a moratorium on foreclosures of family homes and farms, and a program to restructure unpayable household and bank debt.
National Banking, Economy / Trade, Financial Crisis, Banking / Finance
A Parliamentary inquiry into diversifying trade and investment is an excellent opportunity for a public discussion of the immense benefits of a national development bank.
National Banking, Economy / Trade
This release was originally an article under the same title by Jeremy Beck published in the 29 April 2020 Australian Alert Service.
Economy / Trade
  Use the CEFC to invest in new manufacturing and badly needed productive infrastructure. The COVID-19 pandemic and economic crisis has dramatically overturned four decades of economic consensus in Australia.
Economy / Trade
While the mainstream media provides non-stop coverage of the unrest occurring in Hong Kong, recent turmoil in Ecuador barely rates a mention, yet seven protestors are dead, 1,340 injured and 1,152 have been arrested. Ecuadorians took to the streets en masse after President Lenín Moreno implemented a brutal austerity package as part of an agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
China, Economy / Trade
This release is an edited version of an article by the same title in the 3 July 2019 Australian Alert Service by Jeremy Beck.
Health, Economy / Trade