Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 7 - 12 of 22
This release was first published as an article by Citizens Party researcher Jeremy Beck in the 30 June 2021 Australian Alert Service.
The man behind bail-in, former G20-BIS Financial Stability Board Chairman Mark Carney, is now active in another swindle in his current role as United Nations Special Envoy on Climate Action and Finance.
Tearing up the disastrous Murray-Darling Basin Plan is essential to save Australian agriculture. Dam levels across the entire basin are at only 33 per cent capacity and yet we’re only at the start of summer. Until we recover from this crisis, not one drop of water should be wasted on “environmental flows”, which would never occur naturally during a drought anyway.
The following article is from the Australian Alert Service of 2 October 2019. It was accompanied by “The real Al Gore”, a profile of Al Gore’s actions in his political career on issues other than climate change, which show his true colours as a ruthless enforcer for corporate-military interests—see link at the end of the article.
The scandal-ridden Murray-Darling Basin Plan has once again stirred up passions, captured in an ABC Four Corners report on 8 July. Most commentators can’t see the wood for the trees, or in this case, the hydrosphere for the water. As the Citizens Electoral Council (CEC) warned from day one, the agenda was to privatise the Murray-Darling Basin water and loot Australians of tens of billions of dollars through increased water charges.
Infrastructure, Environment
The following release is from an article by Jeremy Beck, printed in the 20 February 2019 Australian Alert Service.