Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 1 - 6 of 15
Participate in the Senate inquiry into lifting the world’s only ban on developing nuclear power (details below). With energy prices out of control, South Australia’s Labor Premier Peter Malinauskas has pulled the rug out from under Energy Minister Chris Bowen and Prime Minister Anthony Albanese by proposing an open-minded approach to nuclear power.
Energy & Resources
The shocking warning that already-sky high energy prices in Australia could soar by as much as 50 per cent in the next year has nothing to do with the conflict in Ukraine. Any politician or journalist or economist who says it does is either ignorant or lying. The official reason for the rise in energy prices is the rising global price of coal and especially gas.
Energy & Resources
This release was first published as an article in the 6 July 2022 Australian Alert Service.
Energy & Resources
Thirty-one years after Australia embarked on electricity ‘reform’—corporatisation, privatisation, deregulation, national electricity market, and the renewable energy target—the experiment has been a massive failure. Re-nationalise the system—now!
Energy & Resources
Who benefits from electricity price spikes to $14,500/MWh, and who pays? Don’t let debates about climate change and renewables blind you to possible cases of vested interests being allowed to exploit the market and gouge the public.
Infrastructure, Energy & Resources
An Eyre Peninsula nuclear power station would be a “game changer” for South Australia, providing cheap electricity, and power for water desalination to support a new agricultural irrigation scheme.
Energy & Resources, Infrastructure