Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 13 - 15 of 15
Sky-high water pricing and ecofascist water allocations in the Murray-Darling Basin threatens not only the existence of farmers and rural communities, but our entire nation and millions of people worldwide who depend upon our food and fibre exports.
Environment, Energy & Resources
The Citizens Electoral Council since June has been blaring the news that Australia’s banking authorities are drafting legislation in the Treasury for Cyprus-style “bail-in” powers, so that when an Australian bank fails, the savings of its depositors will be seized to prop the bank up.
Bail-in, Europe, Banking / Finance
No bank deposits anywhere are safe following the disastrous Cyprus “bail-in” using confiscated deposits, because this is now the standard for all future bank rescues.
Bail-in, Europe, Banking / Finance