Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 1 - 6 of 7
Westpac’s 23 million money laundering breaches is the latest evidence that Australia’s too-big-to-fail banks have become vast criminal enterprises.
Cash Ban, Money Laundering, APRA/ASIC/ACCC/AUSTRAC
The 28 July 60 Minutes story on Crown Casino confirms that Australia’s authorities “aid and abet money laundering”, as whistleblower Helen Edwards has declared in an explosive new special episode of the CEC Report. Click here to watch: Interview with Helen Edwards: Australia is a money laundering washing machine!
Cash Ban, Bail-in, Money Laundering
When the government and financial authorities assure you your deposits are guaranteed, don’t believe them. They have proven time and again that in a financial crash they will put the survival of banks and their powerful owners first. The latest example of this is a European Union move to amend existing “bail-in” legislation to enable bank regulators to freeze even bank deposits that are covered by a government guarantee.
Bail-in, Europe, Banking / Finance
In the wake of the collapse of European banks including Spain’s Banco Popular, two regional Italian banks, and the bail-in/bailout of the world’s oldest bank, Monte dei Paschi di Siena, Europe has been debating new powers to allow bank accounts to be frozen during a financial crisis for between 5 and 20 days.
Bail-in, Europe, Banking / Finance
On 1 January depositor “bail-in” came into effect across the European Union. Just in time for a new, rapidly building global financial crisis, the EU’s bail-in regime empowers financial authorities to confiscate money from bonds and deposits in order to save collapsing banks.
Bail-in, Europe, Banking / Finance
The Citizens Electoral Council since June has been blaring the news that Australia’s banking authorities are drafting legislation in the Treasury for Cyprus-style “bail-in” powers, so that when an Australian bank fails, the savings of its depositors will be seized to prop the bank up.
Bail-in, Europe, Banking / Finance