Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 31 - 36 of 55
A new bill introduced in the US Congress, the National Infrastructure Bank Act 2020, can finally deliver the trillions of dollars of investment that is desperately needed to repair and revitalise America’s infrastructure.
National Banking
The recent fracturing of the neoliberal consensus that drove both major parties to mass-privatise national assets and hand control of the economy over to private banks is accelerating into a full-blown breakdown. Now a Liberal Party politician no less, Queensland Senator Gerard Rennick, has taken aim at the neoliberals’ most sacred cow and called for a national bank to invest in public infrastructure.
National Banking, Infrastructure
This release was originally an article under the same title by Robert Barwick published in the 20 May 2020 Australian Alert Service.
National Banking
Petition Fast-track Australia to economic recovery and prosperity—expand the CEFC into a national development bank! TO THE HONOURABLE THE SPEAKER AND MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
National Banking
Australia continually loses innovations overseas because they can’t get investment backing here, from neither the banks nor the government. If we are not to be condemned to unemployment, in the Treasurer’s recent analogy, going “up in the elevator but down by the stairs”, we must turbo-charge the productive sector with a national investment bank that can unleash the nation’s enormous economic potential.
Infrastructure, National Banking
‘Some of these businesses will fail, but 10 will become bigger than BHP!’
National Banking