Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 19 - 24 of 73
This release was first published as an article by Robert Barwick in the 25 August 2021 Australian Alert Service.
Foreign Policy
The latest episode of the Citizens Party’s Citizens Insight YouTube program addresses this question in an interview with a uniquely qualified American historian and political activist, Anton (Tony) Chaitkin. Click here to watch: The United States of America: A blessing or curse to mankind?
Foreign Policy, Economy / Trade
Is an Australian Senator helping two foreign governments pressure the Australian government to change its foreign policy and damage its economy?
China, Foreign Policy
Born-again National Party leader Barnaby Joyce is a very outspoken politician—when he’s not in leadership. Now that he has returned as Deputy Prime Minister, it’s time for Joyce to show he’s not all talk and no action, and not a doormat to Scott Morrison as his predecessor was, by using his position to fight for the principles he has vocally espoused from the backbench. Julian Assange
Australia Post, Infrastructure, Foreign Policy
The breaking news on 11 December is an example of why Australia’s exporters deserve to be furious. According to The Guardian, the International Criminal Court (ICC) rejected an application for it to open an investigation into claims China is committing “genocide” against Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang.
Foreign Policy
Learn the truth that Parliament is trying to cover up!
Foreign Policy