Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 13 - 15 of 15
On 8 May the Senate Economics Legislation Committee released the report of its inquiry into the Banking System Reform (Separation of Banks) Bill 2019, opposing the policy. On 12 May Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced a scheme for first home buyers to purchase a house with only a five per cent deposit.
Glass-Steagall, Housing
Anyone still not convinced Australia’s property bubble is close to bursting should take note of a trifecta of recent warnings: forecasts of a major contraction in construction by industry insiders, a major reversal in international capital flows to Australian real estate, and leading bank executives issuing uncharacteristic warnings.
Housing, Financial Crisis, Banking / Finance
The REIA's figures, from a December 2007 survey, follow a JP Morgan/Fujitsu Consulting Mortgage Industry report which forecast 300,000 mortgage foreclosures across Australia this year.
Banking / Finance, Housing, Financial Crisis