Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 67 - 72 of 89
Australia’s housing bubble faces a reckoning, following today’s decision by the central bank to finally lift interest rates, by 0.25 per cent. The major parties are responsible for the property bubble that has made Australian housing completely unaffordable.
LPO Group’s election call for a post office bank is a solution to the mass-closure of regional bank branches. How will the major parties, especially Barnaby Joyce and the Nationals, respond?
Postal Savings Bank
Politics is a nasty business, especially inside the major parties, where power trumps principles and factions war over who will wield it. It is also supremely hypocritical, and the most supreme hypocrisy is Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s shameless politicking over allegations of bullying in the Labor Party, against the late Senator Kimberley Kitching.
Postal Savings Bank
The private banks have ramped up branch closures, abandoning many communities; the solution is a post office “people’s bank”.
Postal Savings Bank, Australia Post
Join the grassroots campaign to recruit all parties to support the Commonwealth Postal Savings Bank Bill.
Postal Savings Bank
A few months out from an election presents a unique opportunity to force real solutions on to the political agenda. In contrast to the divisive policies that the major parties fight over on behalf of their respective vested interests, there are policy solutions that all Australians can recognise would benefit everybody. One of those is a postal “people’s bank”.
Postal Savings Bank, Australia Post