Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 37 - 42 of 89
The big banks are ripping off post offices! Time for a government post office bank! The taxpayers who own Australia Post, and the licensees who own community post offices, are subsidising the face-to-face services of Australia’s super-profitable, publicly supported major banks.
Australia Post, Postal Savings Bank
The banks are pushing customers to do their banking online, but NAB’s mistreatment of Paul Thomas shows this gives the banks enormous power over consumers which they are all too willing to abuse. Last month on a Friday, 24 February, Big Four bank NAB cut off customer Paul Thomas from accessing his online business banking account through NAB Mobile Banking.
Cash Ban, Postal Savings Bank
The first hearing of the Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee inquiry into bank closures in regional Australia will be held in Sale, Victoria this Thursday 2 March. The hearing will start at 10:00 AM at the Wellington Shire Council offices at 70 Foster Street.
Postal Savings Bank
All impacted communities, groups and individuals urged to make submissions by 31 March The outcry in regional communities over losing bank branches has motivated the Senate to establish a broad inquiry that will run all year. This is a crucial opportunity for all affected communities, groups and individuals to challenge the banks’ reasons for withdrawing branch services, and explain the real-world impact of branch closures.
Postal Savings Bank
Following the news of Australia Post forecasting a full-year loss, it’s time to implement the win-win solution that will secure postal and banking services for all Australians. Australia Post’s commercial pressures are being blamed on the drop in letters, but there is another pressure that must be investigated—the cost of providing banking services.
Australia Post, Postal Savings Bank
Representatives of the Australian Citizens Party are asking politicians to establish an urgent inquiry, declare a moratorium on branch closures, and establish a postal bank. An expanding coalition of Australians is demanding urgent government action to address the crisis in regional banking services.
Postal Savings Bank