Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 43 - 48 of 89
Call and email all Senators to tell them to support a Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Committee inquiry into the regional banking crisis. The crisis in regional banking services continues to intensify, with three towns set to lose NAB branches this Thursday, 2 February: Warners Bay NSW, Tin Can Bay Qld, and Strathalbyn SA.
Postal Savings Bank, Banking / Finance
To stop the banks forcing everyone to go cashless, call the Senators in your state to demand they support an urgent inquiry into regional branch closures. The major banks’ callous drive to force Australians to go cashless, in total disregard for the actual needs of their customers, is fuelling a revolt all across Australia and attracting serious media attention.
Postal Savings Bank
Fight hard for the win-win solution: a government post office bank that guarantees service and cash access, and forces the private banking cartel to compete. The fight to save regional banking services and access to cash heated up over the summer holiday period, with unprecedented media coverage of the issues.
Cash Ban, Postal Savings Bank
Bankers are dictating the Albanese government’s policies on fining executives, cashless banking. Who’s running Australia? The banks. If there was any doubt, events this week in federal Parliament dispelled it—in technicolour!
The major banks and major political parties rigged the Regional Banking Taskforce to green-light an acceleration of devastating regional bank branch closures. Demand a real inquiry, including into the post office bank alternative, now!
Postal Savings Bank
The Big Four banks claim customers are “choosing” to bank online, but they are trying to force Australians into digital vulnerability to boost their own profits and control. The closure of bank branches in Australia has become a crisis for customers, communities, and staff, but the banks’ own figures prove they are lying about their reasons for doing it.
Postal Savings Bank, Cash Ban