Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 49 - 54 of 89
Watch and share this important video that gives crucial insights into the Christine Holgate scandal and how a public postal bank is the solution to many of Australia’s economic problems. All over Australia local Councils are passing motions to support a public postal bank for Australia—a government bank that will serve all Australians using post offices as branches.
Postal Savings Bank
The Australian banks treat small and medium enterprises (SMEs) very badly. It is enormously difficult for small businesses to get a loan from a bank, and only those who put up their house as collateral—literally risking everything—are successful. The banks are also pushing small businesses to go cashless, so the banks can get a cut of every transaction and can profit further from their data.
Postal Savings Bank
The Regional Banking Taskforce established in late 2021 was part of a last-ditch offensive by the Liberal-National Coalition government to shore up votes before the election. Having ignored the issue of regional bank closures for nine years in government, they suddenly wanted to be seen to be addressing this problem that has severely disrupted communities right across Australia.
Postal Savings Bank
One day left to sign the petition for a moratorium on regional bank closures, an inquiry into the banks, and to have the bankers’ taskforce report pulped.
Postal Savings Bank
All Australians should support this formal petition to Parliament: Petition EN4244 - Moratorium on regional bank closures and new inquiry Petition Reason
Banking / Finance, Postal Savings Bank
Now is the time to approach your local Council to ask them to join the other Councils around Australia passing motions endorsing an Australian postal bank.
Postal Savings Bank