Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

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On Friday 24 March, Senators on the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Committee will gather in Canberra to hold the first public hearing into Project Iron Boomerang—one of the largest infrastructure projects ever proposed in Australia.
The Citizens Party explained the project in this four-minute YouTube video produced in November 2020: BUILD THE IRON BOOMERANG! Australia must return to nation building, a NATIONAL BANK can fund it
Support a national bank to fund the full Bradfield Scheme. First the good news: Prime Minister Scott Morrison has announced $5.4 billion to fund the Hells Gate Dam on the Burdekin River, northwest of Townsville.
National Banking, Infrastructure
The major political parties’ economic policies from the 1980s onwards smashed Australian manufacturing, which shrank from 20 per cent of GDP in 1980 to barely 5 per cent now. But then came the COVID-19 pandemic, and the severe disruption of global supply chains. Suddenly every politician started complaining that Australia was too dependent on imports, and that we had to revive domestic manufacturing. Or they were in 2020.
Economy / Trade, Infrastructure
Click here to watch the Citizens Party’s five-minute YouTube video: “BUILD THE BRADFIELD SCHEME! Australia must return to nation building! A NATIONAL BANK can fund it”.
Born-again National Party leader Barnaby Joyce is a very outspoken politician—when he’s not in leadership. Now that he has returned as Deputy Prime Minister, it’s time for Joyce to show he’s not all talk and no action, and not a doormat to Scott Morrison as his predecessor was, by using his position to fight for the principles he has vocally espoused from the backbench. Julian Assange
Australia Post, Infrastructure, Foreign Policy