Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

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Contact your MP and Senators to ask them or their staff to attend the forum for a briefing on the proposal and campaign for a public post office bank. See details below.
Postal Savings Bank
The scandal of Scott Morrison secretly putting himself in control of the most powerful ministries in the government must lead to a new examination of his shameful attack on Christine Holgate in 2020.
Australia Post, Postal Savings Bank
Instead of copying the Liberals by stacking the Australia Post board with party hacks, Labor should support postal services by establishing a post office bank. Licensed Post Office (LPO) owners across Australia are terrified, and incensed, at the news that Anthony Albanese may appoint Stephen Conroy to the board, and perhaps even to Chairman, of Australia Post.
Australia Post, Postal Savings Bank
Australia needs a public (i.e. government-owned) bank, like the original Commonwealth Bank, which served Australia from 1912 to 1996. Since the Commonwealth Bank was privatised, joining the “Big Four” banking oligopoly, the major banks have raked in record profits, while:
Postal Savings Bank
Tell your MP this week: Australia needs a post office ‘people’s bank’ Parliament starts on 26 July, and whatever agenda the new government has planned, it will increasingly be overtaken by the cost of living crisis in the economy.
Postal Savings Bank
The last Treasurer questioned the safety of super fund derivatives, but the biggest derivatives gamblers are the banks. Only a public post office bank will keep deposits truly safe. Just-released correspondence between the Treasurer and Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) Governor has highlighted another reason Australia needs a public post office bank—a safe place for deposits.
Postal Savings Bank, Derivatives