Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Must watch! Robbie Katter and Robbie Barwick explain Australia’s urgent need for a public post office people’s bank

- Citizens Party Media Release

Watch and share this important video that gives crucial insights into the Christine Holgate scandal and how a public postal bank is the solution to many of Australia’s economic problems.

All over Australia local Councils are passing motions to support a public postal bank for Australia—a government bank that will serve all Australians using post offices as branches.

For deep insights into how crucially important this policy is, especially for regional Australia, all Australians should watch Queensland state MP Robbie Katter and Australian Citizens Party Research Director Robbie Barwick discuss various aspects of public banking and a postal bank in a special co-production of Katter’s Australian Party’s KAPcast and ACP’s Citizens Insight.

Click here to watch CITIZENS INSIGHT: Robbie Katter & Robbie Barwick—Why we need the Commonwealth Postal Savings Bank.

Robbie Katter and Robbie Barwick’s discussion covers:

  • The lack of credit for many industries and especially regions;
  • The damage done by private banks to the regions by maximising their own bottom line at the expense of customers;
  • How the ability of a public bank to be flexible and patient is a tool to assist industrial enterprises to survive, instead of being mass-foreclosed by private banks;
  • The real story of the Christine Holgate and Australia Post scandal and how it relates to the postal bank;
  • How private banks denying credit to regional areas creates a burden on taxpayers that a public bank will solve;
  • The connection between the postal bank policy and the smash-hit musical Hamilton;
  • How the biggest banks and corporations are actually anti-competition, which is why they don’t want to compete with a public bank.

Robbie Barwick and the ACP have conducted decades of extensive research into public banking; Robbie Katter, Bob Katter and KAP are on the coalface of regional Australia, witnessing firsthand the economic decline and rubbing shoulders with the people who would benefit most from a public postal bank.

Their combined perspectives make this a very important discussion for Australians to hear, to understand why the post office bank campaign is crucial to win.

Please watch, like, comment and share as widely as possible.

Click here to watch CITIZENS INSIGHT: Robbie Katter & Robbie Barwick—Why we need the Commonwealth Postal Savings Bank.

Click here to sign the Citizens Party’s petition for a post office people’s bank.

Postal Savings Bank