Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 7 - 12 of 15
The following release is the lead editorial of the 5 June Australian Alert Service. As it went to press the news of a raid on ABC headquarters in Sydney was breaking.
  • Police state
The following release is an article by Robert Barwick in the 29 May 2019 Australian Alert Service, the weekly magazine of the Citizens Electoral Council.
  • Police state
  • Russia
  • War
Unbeknownst to most Australians, our country in recent years has been leading the world in the adoption of Stasi-like surveillance and spying laws which threaten basic human freedoms.
  • Police state
  • Terrorism
The Citizens Electoral Council is taking the fight against the criminal banking apparatus that is looting Australia’s economy to the federal election.
  • Bail-in
  • Glass-Steagall
  • Infrastructure
The response to Julian Assange’s plight from both Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Labor Leader Bill Shorten sadly identifies two weak leaders subservient to the military industrial complex and Anglo-American establishment.
  • Police state
Who benefits from electricity price spikes to $14,500/MWh, and who pays? Don’t let debates about climate change and renewables blind you to possible cases of vested interests being allowed to exploit the market and gouge the public.
  • Infrastructure
  • Energy & Resources