Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 19 - 23 of 23
The only way to protect the economy and your savings from a financial crash and “bail-in” is with a Glass-Steagall separation of the banking system, to protect deposits from speculation.
  • Glass-Steagall
  • Banking / Finance
Under siege from erupting public opposition, the Turnbull government whisked its APRA crisis resolution bill through the Senate and into law on 14 February.
  • Bail-in
  • Glass-Steagall
  • Banking / Finance
Major party politicians are putting the economic security of all Australians at serious risk by their misplaced confidence in the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA), the bank regulator.
  • Glass-Steagall
  • Banking / Finance
Australia’s formerly government owned bank, the Commonwealth Bank, is now a rapacious financial predator that has gouged and ruined thousands of customers and knowingly laundered money for drug syndicates and terrorists in the pursuit of mega-prof
  • Glass-Steagall
  • Banking / Finance
  • National Banking
The Citizens Electoral Council is calling on all concerned Australians to demand their elected MPs oppose the new draft bill giving the unaccountable bank regulator APRA dictatorial “crisis management” powers.
  • Bail-in
  • Glass-Steagall