Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 49 - 54 of 94
As the Citizens Electoral Council has exposed, the Australian government’s extensive police-state powers, which last week were used to raid journalists, are intended not to protect people from terrorism, but to protect the establishment from the p
  • Banking / Finance
  • Bail-in
The Citizens Electoral Council is calling for an inquiry into the far-reaching counterterrorism laws that have been enacted in Australia in the past two decades, which are now being used to terrorise journalists and whistleblowers.
  • Police state
The following release is the lead editorial of the 5 June Australian Alert Service. As it went to press the news of a raid on ABC headquarters in Sydney was breaking.
  • Police state
With panic breaking out in the financial system, the danger grows that bank customers will have their deposits “bailed in” to save desperate banks.
  • Bail-in
The following release is an article by Robert Barwick in the 29 May 2019 Australian Alert Service, the weekly magazine of the Citizens Electoral Council.
  • Police state
  • Russia
  • War
Unbeknownst to most Australians, our country in recent years has been leading the world in the adoption of Stasi-like surveillance and spying laws which threaten basic human freedoms.
  • Police state
  • Terrorism