Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 13 - 18 of 22
Watch all episodes on 7Plus; send Australian post office interview to your MP
  • Australia Post
  • Postal Savings Bank
REMINDER: Watch Mr Bates vs the Post Office 8:55 PM tonight and next week on Channel 7
  • Australia Post
  • Postal Savings Bank
Watch ‘Mr Bates vs the Post Office’ on Channel 7 and 7Plus, 14 and 21 February Last week was the global launch of “Banks gone everywhere” by Lakka Cash, a new take on a classic Aussie song.
  • Australia Post
  • Postal Savings Bank
When the government and financial authorities assure you your deposits are guaranteed, don’t believe them. They have proven time and again that in a financial crash they will put the survival of banks and their powerful owners first.
  • Bail-in
  • Europe
  • Banking / Finance
Are federal MPs willing to vote for a bill that could allow the deposits of their constituents—individuals, businesses, non-profits—to be confiscated to prop up a failing bank?
  • Bail-in
  • Banking / Finance
“A ticking time bomb!” That is what outgoing Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) boss Greg Medcraft last week called the bail-in bonds, a.k.a.
  • Bail-in
  • National Banking