Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 7 - 12 of 15
Former Australian diplomat John Lander is speaking out in retirement to warn that the current direction of Australia’s foreign policy is leading to war with China.
  • Foreign Policy
  • War
  • China
The barrage of lies continues to soften up the Australian public to accept the ‘inevitable’ war with China.
  • China
  • War
In Shakespeare’s tragedy Othello, the heroic general by that name is incited into a murderous rage by a web of malicious lies spun by his trusted adviser Iago.
  • War
  • China
The following statement was authored by retired senior Australian diplomat John Lander, who worked in the China section of the Department of Foreign Affairs in the lead-up to the recognition of the People’s Republic of China in 1972 and severa
  • War
Scott Morrison’s obsequious falling in behind the United States and United Kingdom in targeting Iran again confirms the late former Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser’s assertion that Australia does not have an independent foreign policy.
  • War
If the thought police in Australia’s media stopped protecting the military-industrial complex, our nation could play a decisive role in preventing war with Iran, a confrontation that could easily drag in Russia and China and risk thermonuclear Arm
  • Police state
  • War