Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 103 - 108 of 124
Veterans who have suffered years of underpayment from their Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits Scheme (DFRDB) deserve much better.
  • Defence
Adams is forecasting that Australia’s huge debt bubble, built up by extreme property prices, is leading to “economic Armageddon”.
  • Banking / Finance
A stunning report on has echoed what the Citizens Electoral Council has long warned: there is a growing threat that Australia could set off the next global banking meltdown.
  • Financial Crisis
The banks must not be allowed to victimise people for a problem they created. Over the last two decades, many homeowners have made foolish decisions to borrow far more than they could afford. But they are not responsible for this building crisis.
  • Glass-Steagall
The following release is from an article by Jeremy Beck, printed in the 20 February 2019 Australian Alert Service.
  • Environment
Australia’s housing market is tanking fast and the economy is facing an Ireland-style economic bust. We must act, now, to avert a social catastrophe and restructure the financial system to fix the cause of this crisis.
  • Glass-Steagall