Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 25 - 30 of 31
In a critically important new video post, economist John Adams and banking expert Martin North have thoroughly exposed Scott Morrison’s sneaky legislation to strip Australians of their right to use cash.
  • Cash Ban
  • Bail-in
The fight against “bail-in” is on! The Morrison government has released for consultation a new law that bans cash transactions over $10,000. The pretext for this law is to crack down on money laundering and tax evasion in the “black economy”.
  • Cash Ban
  • Bail-in
In his 2018 budget Scott Morrison announced a 
  • Cash Ban
  • Bail-in
  • Banking / Finance
The Labor Party can no longer defer to the Hayne royal commission on whether to separate the banks. Even Paul Keating, who started bank deregulation, has called Hayne’s final report a failure on structural separation.
  • Royal Commission
  • Glass-Steagall
Above all else, the banks were desperate that Commissioner Hayne’s final report didn’t recommend structural separation; accordi
  • Royal Commission
The 18-page bill to separate the banks that Pauline Hanson will introduce into the Senate next week will do more to fix up the banking system than anything in Kenneth Hayne’s 1,133-page final report.
  • Royal Commission
  • Glass-Steagall
  • Banking / Finance