Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 7 - 12 of 28
In a little over two months, on 30 November, the Senate will debate One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts’
  • Bail-in
Australia’s present economic disaster has been four decades in the making.
  • Infrastructure
Australia needs to think big if we are to build our way out of the current economic depression.
  • Infrastructure
The Morrison government had an opportunity to settle the growing community concern over the security of bank deposits from a “bail-in”. It has failed.
  • Bail-in
The Senator who gave Australia “bail-in” is now leading the desperate effort in the Morrison government to block the bill that would absolutely ensure deposits can’t be bailed in.
  • Bail-in
What should have been a simple task of producing an inquiry report asserting the government’s position that Senator Malcolm Roberts’ bail-in amendment bill is unnecessary is suddenly far more complicated.
  • Bail-in