Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 19 - 24 of 36
Marshal all necessary resources for a massive expansion of healthcare infrastructure.
  • Health
The next global financial crisis is well and truly under way, but don’t let the culprits get away with just blaming the coronavirus!
  • Health
  • Banking / Finance
This media release is an article that was published in the Australian Alert Service on 26 February 2020. Julian Assange’s extradition hearing commenced on 24 February.
  • Police state
Piggybacking off the Australian bushfires, and in time to appeal to the 119 oh-so-wonderful billionaires assembled at the annual World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, the architects of “bail-in” at the Bank for International Settlements (BIS
  • Banking / Finance
  • Police state
KPMG wants to jail Australians who use cash—supposedly to combat the ‘black economy’—but the disreputable global accounting giant dominates the board of money-laundering machine Westpac.
  • audit banks
  • Cash Ban
Member for Kennedy Bob Katter has introduced an urgent bill into the Australian parliament directing the Commonwealth Auditor-General to conduct a thorough audit of the risks building up in the banking system.
  • Banking / Finance
  • audit banks