Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 19 - 24 of 107
On Friday 24 March, Senators on the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Committee will gather in Canberra to hold the first public hearing into Project Iron Boomerang—one of the largest infrastructure projects ever pr
  • Infrastructure
The banks are pushing customers to do their banking online, but NAB’s mistreatment of Paul Thomas shows this gives the banks enormous power over consumers which they are all too willing to abuse.
  • Cash Ban
  • Postal Savings Bank
If Australians don’t force their political leaders to intervene, we could witness the collapse of essential postal and banking services across the country, the Australian Citizens Party (ACP) is warning.
  • Australia Post
Following the news of Australia Post forecasting a full-year loss, it’s time to implement the win-win solution that will secure postal and banking services for all Australians.
  • Australia Post
  • Postal Savings Bank
Fight hard for the win-win solution: a government post office bank that guarantees service and cash access, and forces the private banking cartel to compete.
  • Cash Ban
  • Postal Savings Bank
Demand the Treasurer intervene with bank CEOs and insist they earn their taxpayer guarantees and subsidies by maintaining branch services in communities.
  • Banking / Finance
  • Cash Ban