Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 13 - 18 of 31
Australia continually loses innovations overseas because they can’t get investment backing here, from neither the banks nor the government.
  • Infrastructure
  • National Banking
The Burdekin River is Australia’s largest river by peak discharge volume. It is upon this North Queensland river the nation awaits the construction of Hells Gates Dam, the centrepiece of a new Bradfield Scheme.
  • Infrastructure
Member for Kennedy Bob Katter has echoed the call to immediately repurpose and recapitalise the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) to fund an industrial recovery in Australia.
  • Infrastructure
  • National Banking
With Queensland experiencing a deficit in milk production, One Nation Senator Pauline Hanson has threatened to abstain from lending her support to non-critical legislation until the price of milk is regulated.
  • Agriculture
The scandal-ridden Murray-Darling Basin Plan has once again stirred up passions, captured in an ABC Four Corners report on 8 July. Most commentators can’t see the wood for the trees, or in this case, the hydrosphere for the water.
  • Infrastructure
  • Environment
The Citizens Electoral Council is taking the fight against the criminal banking apparatus that is looting Australia’s economy to the federal election.
  • Bail-in
  • Glass-Steagall
  • Infrastructure