Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 7 - 12 of 12
Unbeknownst to most Australians, our country in recent years has been leading the world in the adoption of Stasi-like surveillance and spying laws which threaten basic human freedoms.
  • Police state
  • Terrorism
The admission by the UK’s chemical weapons lab that it can’t verify the source of the alleged nerve agent blamed for poisoning Sergei and Yulia Skripal means that the Australian government expelled Russian diplomats on false information.
  • Russia
  • Foreign Policy
Russia expert and former diplomat and intelligence official Kyle Wilson claimed to Patricia Karvelas on the 27 March Radio National Drive program that Russian diplomats addressing a 2015 Citizens Electoral Council conference was an instance of Rus
  • Russia
  • Foreign Policy
The liars who orchestrated the illegal invasion of Iraq 15 years ago are today fabricating similar lies to whip up hostilities against Russia and China.
  • War
  • Middle East
  • Foreign Policy
  • Russia
  • China
Beginning with a public event in Perth last Saturday, and continuing through her final public appearance in Brisbane on 28 June, Irish author Anne Cadwallader is presently touring Australia to promote her book, Lethal Allies: British Collusion
  • Terrorism
Former Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser has again intervened in the rapidly escalating war build-up against Russia and China, with a call for Australia to break decisively with the British Empire, and with an America presently acting in that British
  • China
  • Russia
  • War
  • Foreign Policy