Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 7 - 12 of 72
Australia needs a government and institutions that can meet the urgent needs of the people.
  • Economy / Trade
  • National Banking
Mortgage stress now grips 42 per cent of Australian households, according to a UNSW City Futures Research Centre survey. This is a sharp increase from 30 per cent in February 2020.
  • Housing
  • Financial Crisis
Shepparton engineer Joe Carmody is a little-known Australian hero.
  • Economy / Trade
  • National Banking
Christine Holgate has now moved on from Australia Post, but the government and board must be held accountable, and AusPost must become a people’s bank.
  • Postal Savings Bank
  • National Banking
The death-knell of neoliberalism in Australia is sounding louder, with a landmark policy recommendation inserted in the end of a Parliamentary report handed down mid-March.
  • National Banking
  • Infrastructure
This release was first published as an article by Citizens Party researcher Jeremy Beck in the 3 March 2021 Australian Alert Service.
  • Agriculture