Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 25 - 30 of 179
The Australian Citizens Party (ACP) is calling on all Australians to stand up against the agreement between Treasurer Jim Chalmers and Shadow Treasurer Angus Taylor to remove democratic accountability for the banking elite who control the economy
  • Banking / Finance
Treasurer Jim Chalmers has committed to dumping the policy for which “old Labor” legends John Curtin and Ben Chifley fought hardest—democratic control of the central bank and the banking system.
  • Banking / Finance
  • National Banking
The deadline for submissions to the Senate’s ASIC inquiry has been extended to 28 February—submit your experience of ASIC failing to police financial predators.
Call and email all Senators to tell them to support a Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Committee inquiry into the regional banking crisis.
  • Postal Savings Bank
  • Banking / Finance
To force the government to take on financial corruption, it is crucial that all financial victims with experience of ASIC’s failings make a submission to the Senate Economics Committee inquiry by 3 Feb
Demand the Treasurer intervene with bank CEOs and insist they earn their taxpayer guarantees and subsidies by maintaining branch services in communities.
  • Banking / Finance
  • Cash Ban