Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 19 - 24 of 87
While the 2021 Senate inquiry into the collapse of Sterling Income Trust, which left more than 100 elderly retirees and pensioners facing eviction and homelessness, is yet to result in any concrete outcomes, it has certainly contributed to a new p
Help count the number of cashless outlets that banks are trying to pass off as branches. In the ongoing war on cash, the big banks are opening cashless banking outlets, or shifting existing branches to cashless outlets.
  • Cash Ban
This release was first published as an article in the 6 July 2022 Australian Alert Service.
  • Energy & Resources
Thirty-one years after Australia embarked on electricity ‘reform’—corporatisation, privatisation, deregulation, national electricity market, and the renewable energy target—the experiment has been a massive failure.
  • Energy & Resources
The RBA is recklessly ignoring the mortgage stress of households that were lured into mortgages to prop up the bubble; Australia needs a foreclosure moratorium now!
  • Housing
  • Financial Crisis
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s headline agenda, which dominates media reporting, includes China, climate change, and a federal integrity commission.
  • Australia Post
  • Royal Commission