Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 19 - 24 of 73
Support a national bank to fund the full Bradfield Scheme.
  • National Banking
  • Infrastructure
The major political parties’ economic policies from the 1980s onwards smashed Australian manufacturing, which shrank from 20 per cent of GDP in 1980 to barely 5 per cent now.
  • Economy / Trade
  • Infrastructure
The final report of the dramatic Senate inquiry into the Sterling Income Trust fiasco reveals how the federal corporate regulator and WA consumer protection agency betrayed 130 elderly and vulnerable victims.
The advocate for the more than 100 elderly victims of the Sterling First scam has written to Prime Minister Scott Morrison and WA Premier Mark McGowan demanding they compensate the victims immediately.
Click here to watch the Citizens Party’s five-minute YouTube video: “BUILD THE BRADFIELD SCHEME! Australia must return to nation building!
  • Infrastructure
On 16 December (yesterday), the day after the third hearing of the Senate inquiry into Sterling Income Trust and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), Sterling tenant Freda Stevens became the 19th victim to pass away since S