Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

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This release was first published as an article by Robert Barwick in the 25 September 2024 Australian Alert Service. The 2021-22 Senate inquiry into Sterling First and ASIC found both ASIC and WA’s Consumer Affairs department culpable for 130 elderly victims losing everything in the collapse of the rent-for-life scheme, and being left facing eviction and homelessness in their autumn years.
Tell Shadow Treasurer Angus Taylor and Coalition MPs and Senators: Don’t let Jim Chalmers put a padlock on the Treasurer’s power to veto RBA interest rate changes!
In a stunning development that confirms the worst suspicions about Australia’s corporate regulator, a whistleblower has mailed a handwritten note to the Australian Citizens Party’s Melbourne office revealing a “culture of fear” pervades the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).
The government’s compensation scheme won’t compensate elderly financial victims facing eviction and homelessness, but officials of the Treasury, which designed the scheme, are reportedly among one select group of financial victims who are getting compensated.
The Australian Citizens Party’s Citizens Insight YouTube program has interviewed independent economist John Adams on the fight to clean up the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), so the Australian people can be confident the financial system has a cop on the beat that serves them, not the banks.
It is past time for the Albanese Labor government to deliver on its years of promises in Opposition to clean up the regulatory culture that has allowed financial predators to flourish in Australia, the Australian Citizens Party (ACP) said today, calling for it to start by sacking Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) Chairman Joe Longo.