Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 25 - 30 of 117
Valentine’s Day last week was the second anniversary of the government ramming through its “bail-in” law to steal deposits for propping up failing banks.
  • Cash Ban
  • Bail-in
KPMG wants to jail Australians who use cash—supposedly to combat the ‘black economy’—but the disreputable global accounting giant dominates the board of money-laundering machine Westpac.
  • audit banks
  • Cash Ban
Member for Kennedy Bob Katter has introduced an urgent bill into the Australian parliament directing the Commonwealth Auditor-General to conduct a thorough audit of the risks building up in the banking system.
  • Banking / Finance
  • audit banks
The Liberal-National Coalition MPs and Senators in the government endorsed the $10,000 cash ban bill in their 17 September party-room meeting; it is now likely to be introduced into Parliament this week.
  • Cash Ban
  • Bail-in
Veteran cop pleads: ‘Minister, don’t do this to our country!’ The backlash against Scott Morrison’s $10,000 cash ban law is fierce.
  • Cash Ban
  • Bail-in
Parliament resumes on Monday 9 September, which gives us two weeks to melt down their phone lines with forceful objections against the $10,000 cash ban.
  • Cash Ban
  • Bail-in