Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 25 - 30 of 42
The following article is from the Australian Alert Service of 2 October 2019.
  • Environment
The scandal-ridden Murray-Darling Basin Plan has once again stirred up passions, captured in an ABC Four Corners report on 8 July. Most commentators can’t see the wood for the trees, or in this case, the hydrosphere for the water.
  • Infrastructure
  • Environment
If the thought police in Australia’s media stopped protecting the military-industrial complex, our nation could play a decisive role in preventing war with Iran, a confrontation that could easily drag in Russia and China and risk thermonuclear Arm
  • Police state
  • War
The Australian Federal Police raids on journalists’ homes and media offices have shown the extent to which press freedom has been curbed in Australia to suppress reporting of national security matters.
  • Terrorism
  • Police state
Just as Australian journalists can be raided and possibly jailed for reporting on national security issues, there is a danger that organisations like the Citizens Electoral Council (CEC) risk terrorism charges simply for warning about risks in the
  • Police state
The Citizens Electoral Council is calling for an inquiry into the far-reaching counterterrorism laws that have been enacted in Australia in the past two decades, which are now being used to terrorise journalists and whistleblowers.
  • Police state